Green Dome Mosque is delighted to announce that:

Eid Al-Adha

Will be celebrated on:

Monday 17th June 2024
At 10am sharp.

All welcomed to join us to celebrate this special occasion.

Jazak’Allah Khair

Celebrating Eid is a form of ‘Ibadah too, a form of praising Allah Rabbul Izzat and showing gratitude to Him.

We can do that through the Sunnah:

  1. Wake up early and take a bath
  2. Put on your best clean and modest clothing
  3. Before sitting for the Eid prayer, eat an odd number of dates
  4. From after Fajr, As you sit waiting for the Eid prayer, recite the Eid takbeer chant. Say this: Allahu Akbar 3x. Laa illaaha illa Allah. Allahu akbar 2x. wa Lillaahil Hamd
  5. Arrive at the prayer early to secure your spot. Otherwise, you’ll be rushing to find parking in a crammed parking lot.
  6. Eid prayer is 2 rakat. The Imam will instruct you on how many times to say Allahu Akbar at the start and 2nd rak’ahs.
  7. Listen to the Khutbah quietly.
  8. Greet those who you know and those who you don’t. Greet everyone.
  9. Celebrate this day by thanking Allah for what He has guided us to.
  10. Give away the meat for the needy and poor.
  11. If you can, take a different route home than the way you came.
  12. Make Dua for acceptance of sacrifices on this blessed Day.

We at Green Dome Mosque wish you a Meaty Eid Mubarak.

May Allah Rabbul Izzat accept your sacrifices. Ameen.